Sharing Results with Other Teachers or Students
At the top on either the Edit and Preview tabs, press on Results and select your preferred sharing range.
If you want to share the results with your students, you must have "Auto Scoring ON" and students will only see the results after they have answered the questions. (Test Card Only)
The same setting can be set even if the Test Card is created by a student.
table:Sharing Range Settings
Setting Content
Available to you only Only the Test Card creator can see the results.
Available to you and teachers only Results will only be shown to users with a Teacher Account.(They can view it without answering the test.)
Available to All Anyone can view the Results and Results Tab(Students must first answer the Card before viewing.)
Sharing Test / Questionnaire Card Results with other Teachers
Setting the sharing range of Results to Available to you and teachers only will allow other Teachers to see the results of the created Test Card / Questionnaire Card
You can also change the sharing range of Respondents' Names.
Test Cards / Questionnaire Cards can be shared with other Teacher's by putting them in the Materials Box.
Only Teachers Accounts can see the Cards in the "Teachers Only Shared Folder".
Other Teachers can click the "Answer" button to see the Results Tab.
How to Stop Sharing Results
The sharing range setting can be changed at any time, so Results can be shared temporarily and then discontinued.
Streaming Cards using "Answer Together"
Pressing the 「←」button in the top left will end the stream.
Change the sharing range to "Available to you only" or "Shown to you only"
Distributing Cards using Send / Saving them in the Materials Box
Change the sharing range to "Available to you only" or "Shown to you only"